Artificial Intelligence is the new current! When you talk of the processes concerning businesses and routine chores at home, every move is guided and assisted by AI. Seeping deep into the daily works of most of the world processes, Artificial Intelligence has rendered itself as a mean technology next-door. It has made itself and its use case applicability so convenient, that practically every industry is reaping higher benefits.
Stephen King hits it hard; when he says;
“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”
No doubt, there are a gazillion ways to reach your goal of a flourishing AI career, but securing the best spot in the AI industry calls for an informed decision. Just any other credential on the block will not be of any good in elevating your career timeline. Thinking it through is definitely the key!
Industries such as healthcare, education, marketing, retail, economics, and financial services are a huge hit with AI-infused processes at their disposal. There is a stipulated hike induced in global spending on AI to reach over USD 110 billion by 2024. Isn’t that a big push for you to take the plunge today?
Here are the 3 top-ranking Artificial Intelligence certifications and courses raging the AI market scene this year:
Stanford has set a new benchmark with its Artificial Intelligence certification courses across the sector; offering a wide range of AI skills. It has garnered attention from the big and the small in the world corporate order alike. This program has quickly become one of the most popular among the contenders.
Certification offerings:
It provides a deep dive into the principles and methodologies of Artificial intelligence. Beginning to talk about the perks of the courseware, it allows you to select from a variety of electives; in order to design a customized AI career. The course is led by prominent Stanford faculty including Andrew Ng, C Manning, Chelsea F, Percy L, and Jeanette. You are set to earn core insights on robot autonomy, computational logic, decision-making, NLP, deep learning, and much more. It is an instructor-led online graduate certification that will pave the way for a bright AI future.
Course Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree with a minimum 3.0 grade point average with expertise in statistics, probability, programming language application, calculus, and linear algebra, among others.
If you are keen on making it big in the AI industry with the right credentials in no time, USAII brings to you the most coveted AI certification that has assisted numerous tech enthusiasts to build a lasting career in AI. They are highly valued among major corporate leaders for their sheer skill and industry insights offered as part of the courseware.
Certification offerings:
Register to build the best AI capabilities with the best team of AI instructors leading you with the most market-centric real-time insights; to uprise you with the latest developments. Not just that, the shareable digital badge earned at the end of the program would allow you an AI role that settles you professionally for nothing but the best. This is rated as among the best Self-paced AI engineer certifications programs of all time by its contenders. Exhaustive curriculum, vetted by over 15 SMEs assists in leveraging the highest possible returns on your trust and investments in the courseware. This is not all, you as an aspirant would be handheld by the experts via ‘Anytime Anywhere Assistance’ on clearing doubts relating to the course coupled with CV editing sessions, 1-on-1 career counseling, and job interview alignments in place. Become a master at deep learning, ML, Deep reinforcement learning, computer vision, NLP, and much more. This course is a clear win over its competitors.
Course Requirements:
This most relevant and popular starter-level course demands you to be a bachelor’s grad in STEM with a basic learning graph at programming languages and mathematical competency. More than anything, your passion for AI would speak volumes for itself.
MIT brings a leading product as they venture into AI and ML domain. The certification program ensures businesses and individuals access the education and training necessary to succeed in an AI-powered future.
Certification offerings:
The certification offers a diverse understanding of designing efficient deep learning systems, ML, graph algorithms, and foundational data and models.
Course Requirements:
Understanding the latest tools, and techniques, and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and theories is a big kick to the courseware.
Having shared the detailed landscape of some of the best AI certification courses would bring you more clarity than ever. This is your calling to get started with the most trusted in the field of AI credentials providers. Competing among the dark horses of AI would demand the best Artificial Intelligence skills badged in your portfolio. Take home a whopping over USD 100,000 annually by cashing in the opportunity today!
Interesting Related Article: “7 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Your Business Processes“
Enroll In The 3 Most Popular AI Certifications And Courses To Scale Big In 2023 first appeared on Web and IT News.