New Marketing and IR Firm Hired to Assist Investors
Virtual Interactive Technologies Corp.,
We invite investors and gamers to visit and explore our new website to learn about Virtual Interactive Technologies, its gaming products and the exciting vision we have for the future. This vision will include advancements in our unique, next-generation metaverse gaming with experiential immersion experiences for leading mobile and web platforms.
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VRVR continues to build on its successful proprietary game catalog that features Duane Lee “Dog” Chapman, of the “Dog The Bounty Hunter” fame, Carmageddon Max Damage, Carmageddon Crashers, Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition, Catch & Release, and Worbital.
Additionally, VRVR has hired a new marketing firm, Dynamic Growth Media, LLC. that will handle Social Media, Marketing and Investor Relations. The mission for Dynamic Growth Media, LLC. will be to bring higher market awareness, a better understanding of the company and its developing product line.
Virtual Interactive Technologies Corp is a next-generation game and metaverse developer publisher that creates experiential immersion experiences by harnessing the latest technologies, including Blockchain and digital assets.
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The post Virtual Interactive Technologies Corp. Launches All New, State of the Art Website to Showcase its Category-First Metaverse and Other Gaming Experiences appeared first on MarTech Series.
The post Virtual Interactive Technologies Corp. Launches All New, State of the Art Website to Showcase its Category-First Metaverse and Other Gaming Experiences first appeared on PressRelease.cc.
Virtual Interactive Technologies Corp. Launches All New, State of the Art Website to Showcase its Category-First Metaverse and Other Gaming Experiences first appeared on Web and IT News.