The introduction of the Internet has completely revolutionized our lives. We depend heavily on the Internet to manage our regular activities. The Internet of Things is one such technological advancement that has benefited human life in several ways. As per reports, nearly 40% of US households have smart home devices to make their lives easy. Some examples of smart home devices that are becoming increasingly popular are smart alarms, surveillance cameras, and smart locks, which enable users to access as well as control their smart devices remotely just by using their mobile app. For example, doorbell surveillance cameras are becoming increasingly popular today, so this industry is expected to reach $3 billion by 2025.
Today’s customer demand for IoT or smart security devices is constantly increasing. As a result, IoT developers are considering how to connect smart security devices and ensure data security. The default choice for connecting the device and data storage is cloud-based infrastructure, where all the data can travel between the client and the device via the cloud and gets stored in it easily. However, cloud storage can have drawbacks like low security, latency, and higher cost. The best alternative to this is P2P technology that enables end-user clients to address all these disadvantages and potential issues.
The following guide will help you understand the vulnerabilities related to the cloud-based Internet of Things and why you should trust the IoT p2p solution for the best outcome.
Smart device developers and top cloud providers take data security issues to be extremely seriously; however, the inherent problem and vulnerability associated with cloud-based services are that all data and information are stored on a central platform; therefore, security control can be compromised, and there are high chances of potential data theft or hacking in order to understand cloud security breaches you need to see the recent examples.
Remote IoT Labs suffered a huge data breach problem in 2019. This data breach arose because all the personally identifiable information was stored in the central cloud server. Around 2.4 million clients had their personally identifiable information exposed to online hackers. This data security problem can be addressed using your connectivity system based on decentralized P2P technology. P2P connection utilizes the cloud only for meditating connection between the end-user customer and device. Once connections are made successfully, the traffic occurs between the client’s device directly, and there is no possibility of passing data via the cloud. As there is no storage of data in the central platform, therefore, large-scale hacking of data becomes extremely challenging.
Latency and speed
A critical component for every smart security device is ensuring maximum speed. For example, doorbell surveillance cameras must provide real-time footage and videos to end-user clients. A common issue with cloud-based systems and solutions is that it results in 5 or 10-second communication latency. This latency results in a long time waiting for the end-user client. With a P2P IoT platform, the end-user clients and IoT devices can be connected quickly and directly. Therefore, the data between the two endpoints can travel rapidly, resulting in the lowest possibility of causing latency.
Reputable platforms provide real-time video feeds, and ensuring direct communication means that clients can immediately and easily change the user interface. IoT platform enables users to have real-time control of their products. Every second matters with a smart security device. On noticing an immediate danger or threat, end users must lock the smart locks or pan surveillance cameras remotely. P2P IoT platform ensures direct linkage between the owner and the device; therefore, changes made on the user interface or device can be done seamlessly.
IoT solution based on the P2P platform helps avoid costly overhead, which usually comes with a centralized cloud-based solution. The main reason behind this is that all data and information get stored on the device level with P2P IoT, while costly data centers are required for data storage with cloud systems. P2P IoT also facilitates a quick connection between the consumer and the device. Higher intensity of data traffic found in centralized cloud-based systems requires a high need for server maintenance and updates, which will result in huge maintenance costs, and you end up paying costly bills. On the other hand, with raspberry pi p2p, you can save money on data center and provide pricing predictability. Efficient and reliable P2P connectivity companies can cover the setup of cloud systems, support, and maintenance at fixed prices with device license expenses and help customers save a lot of hassle and money.
P2P IoT platform can be integrated easily into any platform or system, such as Raspberry Pi. Peer-to-peer technology enables synchronization between different endpoints and avoids the retransmission of data. Cost, speed, and security are the three major priorities for any smart security device vendor. Cloud-based IoT connectivity systems and platforms fail to offer these three priorities. This is why P2P IoT platforms provide better outcomes in terms of speed, cost, and security for every smart security device. P2B IoT technology keeps consumer data safe and secure. End users can benefit greatly from this decentralized network, which comes with many benefits.
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