Once a best-kept secret, as of 2022 around 20% of all international students studying in the United States attend a community college. In addition to being cheaper than a traditional four-year college or university, community colleges carry less stringent English language requirements and facilitate easier transitions to four-year programs. Career colleges and community colleges teach skills directly applicable to a wide range of workplaces, an aspect still lacking in traditional four-year programs. This offers international students the ability to quickly transition from college to career, reducing visa complications.
Although application and enrollment rates are up, an informal online survey conducted by CCI TheDegreePeople.com found that international students still struggle to navigate U.S. community college admissions requirements. Traditional colleges and universities have departments dedicated to helping international students navigate enrollment. While community and career colleges are catching up, these resources are still lacking and emerging offices are in the midst of a learning curve to understand the needs of these students and make policies as such.
The main question is: how do international students qualify for career and community college admission? For U.S. applicants, the answer is easy. You need a high school diploma or a GED. It’s easy because these applicants are still in the same educational system they grew up in. For international students, the answer is not that simple. They need the equivalence of a U.S. high school diploma, but what does that mean in terms of the educational system they grew up in? For some, the equivalence is a secondary education certificate. For others, it means passing a government exam. Unfortunately, international students cannot just present these credentials for admission. They have to go an extra step to show what their credential means in terms of U.S. academic value. This is where international students run into trouble, which can get compounded by cultural and language barriers.
International students applying to career and community colleges in the U.S. need to have a foreign credential evaluation completed by a credential evaluation agency. This shows the admissions office the equivalency value of their foreign education, which takes a detailed explanation and no small amount of handholding.
“I am a first generation American and big supporter of the community college and career college experience,” explains Sheila Danzig, founder of CCI TheDegreePeople.com, premier foreign credential evaluation agency. “I founded this business to help those born outside of the U.S. get educated here. That was my mother’s dream.”
Danzig specializes in helping international students apply to career and community colleges, working closely with schools, offering individualized attention to each student, and providing no charge rush services on credential evaluations. CCI delivers a PDF of the evaluation directly to the college official handling the admissions application and is available to answer any questions they may have.
“We understand the vital role career and community colleges play in the U.S. education system,” says Danzig. “Many schools have told us that their international student enrollment has grown because CCI has made the admissions process student friendly.”
For more information on how to provide your international applicants with bonus foreign education evaluation at no extra charge, contact Sheila via email at Sheila@Danzig.com or phone at 1.800.771.4723.
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Company Name: Sheila Danzig Marketing
Contact Person: Sheila Danzig
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Phone: 9544450107
City: Fort Lauderdale
State: FL 33326
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Website: http://sheiladanzig.com/
The post Rate of International Students Attending Community College on the Rise first appeared on PressRelease.cc.
Rate of International Students Attending Community College on the Rise first appeared on Web and IT News.