Have you ever been driven by desperation, fear, or pain, and found yourself wondering Why or Why me?! Purposeful: True-Life Story of a Two-Year-Old Girl by Etse E Oriakhi shares an eye-opening narrative of the power of hope in a world often filled with pain, suffering, and loss.
In Purposeful: True-Life Story of a Two-Year-Old Girl, a family’s life is changed forever when a medical crisis takes over their life. Parents must watch in pain and horror as their daughter’s health begins to fail after two-year old Isabella-Rose “Ziggy” Oriakhi is found lying face down, with a bloody face. She is convulsing and has bitten her tongue, with feces on the bed, and blood on the sheets. Ziggy’s diagnosis swings from Ebola to malaria, typhoid, diabetes, and acute meningitis, but when her head swells to three times its size, and her brain to the size of a football, uncertain doctors must come to a decision before the infection gains even more ground!
With her daughter’s health failing and doctors in limbo, the author is plunged into a crisis of faith that recalls the struggles of the biblical Job, a man who faced appalling losses but refused to give in.
Part memoir and deeply inspirational, Purposeful: True-Life Story of a Two-Year-Old Girl, provides hope in the face of grief and loneliness through tender reflections on God’s love for us and his plans to bless us. The author tackles this topic with grace and faith, showing readers how to make peace with pain and grow through it. Offering authentic words of understanding and hope, the author tries and succeeds in reassuring us that even amidst overwhelming pain, fear or tragedy, God is good!
Rediscover your faith, get this book now!
Purposeful: True-Life Story of a Two-Year-Old Girl
Available in all major online bookstores!
Product details
Publisher: Urlink Print & Media, LLC (September 19, 2022)
Language: English
Paperback: 122 pages
ISBN-10: 168486254X
ISBN-13: 978-1684862542
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3e36KNI
Kindle: https://amzn.to/3fvCVFL
About the Author
Etse Elizabeth Oriakhi lovingly embraces her role as a mother to Micah and Ziggy. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner and holds an Executive MBA degree from Suffolk University. Born and raised in Nigeria, she migrated to the United States in 1995. She enjoys traveling, listening to music and learning about diverse cultures. She resides in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Media Contact
Company Name: URLink Marketing | URLink Print and Media
Contact Person: Philip Ong
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The post Purposeful: True-Life Story of a Two-Year-Old Girl, An Inspirational Memoir first appeared on PressRelease.cc.
Purposeful: True-Life Story of a Two-Year-Old Girl, An Inspirational Memoir first appeared on Web and IT News.