VR5: Out with a Bash!

Jaguar Hahn attends the VR5 closing ceremonies.




OUT WITH A BASH: Images from GSK's impressive light show.

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By Jaguar Hahn

VR5—Usually weekends are great times for parties, right? Right. [Saturday night] I decided to roll into a rather interesting party.  No, this wasn't a normal party, this was a party in VR5 world, which was about to close its doors for good after tonight. The owners of the world were celebrating many years of the great VR5 world serving the AW community. They thought it would seem fit to go out with "not a bang, not a party, but a BASH!"

If you have never been to VR5, they have been home to many things in our universe. The first band to play in the Active Worlds Universe, Aztech Rising, held a concert in VR5 a while back at the Nidus Arena. GSK held his virtual isolation here. They have created and launched many successful web sites since their creation and have also designed 3D versions of McDonalds, Starbucks , Best Buy, Target and Alienware. And they have even created their own "Metaverse" browser, which streamlines the Active Worlds experience and enhances it for users.

Upon entering the world, I discovered a basic layout of a stage, some seats and a hotel. I thought to myself, 'wow, this will probably be an ok event.' Boy was I wrong. Right as 7:10pm VRT rolled around, the first event began: a light show that everyone was looking forward to. We were treated to a FABULOUS light show, with everything from snowy white particles to different colored spotlights and spiraling rainbows. Lights came from the tower, they came from the stage, they came from the sky, they came from everywhere. I have never seen so many different effects in my life. It was the best light show I've ever seen. GSK revealed to me that the entire thing was custom. The music was grand, but the particles and lights clearly stunned everyone. By the time it was over, the entire crowd was shouting for an encore. It was that good.

My respect for their work has gone up quite a lot.

After the light show, I checked the user count and saw we were up to 26 users, second on the world list! While I was doing this, music came out of nowhere and I was once again reminded of Jeff Raven, an AWRadio DJ, spinning his tunes on stage for the party. GSK stated an interesting fact, that AWRadio also DJ'd at the first Tower of Terror event, October 7, 2006, so it was only fitting to bring them back for the final VR5 event. Jeff Raven played tunes for about an hour, and after that we were presented with another light show. This one was even better than the first, and I, along with everyone else, was VERY impressed. In my opinion, it was the best light show that GSK has ever put together. My respect for their work has gone up quite a lot.

This party was far from over. After another light show, rides were beginning on the Tower of Tower. Everyone left the stage area and piled into the hotel library. We were informed we were about to embark on the ride of our lifetime. With a sudden jerk, the ride had started. We have just crossed over into the Twilight Zone. Everyone is led from the library to the boiler room and into the elevator. Ut oh. The elevator slowly moves away and we are introduced to an array of different colored bubbles shooting at us out of a spiraling circle. Wow. We are taken around the hotel and shown different rooms, and then up to the top we go. We pause for an instant… and then all of a sudden… WHOOOOOOOOOSH the elevator falls all the way down, torturing your stomach and giving you the thrill of your lifetime. The effects were truly amazing.

Later on in the event, we were told there would soon be a big announcement. GSK revealed to us that after all, VR5 would not be expiring. Neocube will be renewing the world for a year! Everyone celebrated by dancing to more music under great lights. Party of the year, hands down.

I had the chance to ask GSK and Neocube. a few questions afterwards.

Jaguar Hahn: How did the idea come about for this event?

GSK: VR5's expiration. It was such a big world in the community, it would seem fit for it to go out with an event this size.

Jaguar Hahn: How long did it take for you to prepare the light show?

GSK: The big one? Just a few days. Every effect is handmade, so it's never the same show twice.

Neocube.: Wow, I sure do love that show.

Jaguar Hahn: Were you guys expecting an outcome as big as the one that you got, considering BelNia had a huge party going on all weekend?

GSK: A few months ago, Goober King told me to work on my advertising, to promote it through the right channels... considering we did that this time, the outcome was excellent. We got more than I expected!

Jaguar Hahn: That's great. I think we got at least 26 in there tonight, which is really nice. GSK - do you think this is the best light show you've ever done? I've seen many from you before but I've never seen one this great.

GSK: That was the best, period. I had said that you'd see a light show that pushed the limits of 4.1... I was right. ;)

Jaguar Hahn: Heh, you sure were. I know you probably haven't thought about it much, but since your talent has increased greatly, do you think you will be doing any more events this size in the future?

Neocube.: Indeed! LOL

GSK: Definitely. I'm working on a new ride right now, based on the 1980 movie "The Shining". It's Tower of Terror-style, but with a new ride layout. Instead of looking out, you pop out of a hole and look out. =D

GSK: If it works out good, and people like it, it'll be the basis for a whole new bunch of Tower of Terrors. Think... "The Mark Randall  Tower of Terror" :P

Jaguar Hahn: LOL! Speaking of Tower of Terror, when I wrote this article I noted that when I first came in the world it was a very basic layout compared to other parties, like a Block Party or the Cys. I noticed that behind the stage you had the Tower of Terror ride set up. Where did that idea come from?

GSK: Well, the Tower, of course, never moved spots, so for the first event back in March, we had to have a stage... so I put it in front of Tower...

GSK: Before the event (before today, actually), the stage was simply a wall that "opened." Today, the entire thing was deleted, and made into more of an actual stage.

Jaguar Hahn: I see. The stage you had today had a great layout; the design was very unique. For our last question I'd like to ask... I know that VR5 has had many AWESOME events in the past like the Aztech Rising concert and even your planned New Years Eve Party, do you think that this event would rank as one of the best the world has had? :D

GSK: Most definitely. The event celebrated what VR5 was all about. Pushing limits and finding new abilities and technologies, and doing anything to present them to others.

Jaguar Hahn: Awesome. I do agree with you there. Thank you for your time! It was a great event and everyone I talked to really enjoyed it. Can't wait for another one!

GSK: Thanks for the interview! =D

Jaguar Hahn: Anything else to add for the closing remarks?

GSK: Yep. For a long time, people have been asking for the particles I've used in the Tower. Coming soon (will be able to find it on http://www.ugntv.net), you'll be able to download a pack with photos, music from the various events, and the particle emitters. Oh, and don't forget. VR5 isn't anywhere near closing. Neocube. has graciously taken up ownership of the world, so you'll still be able to find some awesome stuff there.

You may visit GSK, Neocube. and crew in VR5 world or you may visit VR5 online at http://www.vr5-online.com.


Jaguar Hahn is an AWNews Team Writer.
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