Jet City Detective Agency is an exciting new animated noir show with adult themes and dark humor. This up and coming show features the adult animation the style of old Hanna Barbera cartoons with wacky outlandish themes and plot lines. The central storyline of the show follows Wolfe, an old renegade detective being brought out of retirement for a case that has everyone else stumped. He thinks outside the box to solve any mystery and is a cynical protagonist.
“Jet City Detective Agency is a seamless blend of 2D and 3D animation and currently we are only two people working on this project.” Said the American filmmaker, Alex, while introducing this project to the Kickstarter community. To release this animated show for adults, the show creator has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, and he is welcoming generous support and backing.
The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at: and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. Moreover, the goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to raise a sum of US$ 5,000 and all funds raised through this Kickstarter campaign will be used to expand the production team and upgrading of the equipment. Furthermore, more details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.
About This Project
Jet City Detective Agency is an exciting new animated noir show with adult themes and dark humor. The show is created by Alex, an American filmmaker and it is currently being crowdfunded on Kickstarter. Due to the overwhelming response of the backing community, the campaign has already exceeded its original goal of raising $5000, while more backers continue to pledge.
Media Contact
Company Name: notsure.innovations
Contact Person: Christian Derrick
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State: New Jersey
Country: United States
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